

  • "Haben" is a regular verb.
  • "Haben" means "to have".
  • "Sein" is an irregular verb.
  • "Sein" means "to be".
  • Both "haben" and "sein" is the most used German words.


  • "Haben" is used in some German expression for expression that translates into "to be" (alright, I am confused here).
  • For example, "Ich habe Hunger." means "I am hungry".
  • In that example "haben" is used instead of "sein". If "sein" is used the sentence would be "Ich bin hunger.".
  • However, Google Translate translates different thing. English's "I am hungry." translates into "Ich bin hungrig".
  • I am not sure where the word "hungrig" comes from.


  • Table of possible form of "haben".


  • Table of possible form of "sein".