• PyAudio usually have Segmentation fault in Raspberry PI in case you wrongly put the input_device_index and if you start the PyAudio application without sudo.
  • So run this scripts.
import pyaudio
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
for i in range(p.get_device_count()):
    dev = p.get_device_info_by_index(i)
  • Note the index on the of the USB audio driver you want to use.
  • And then use in the arguments when you are initiating PyAudio object.
  • Change the input_device_index into the index you found from the previous script.
    format = self.FORMAT,
    channels = self.CHANNELS,
    rate = self.SAMPLE_RATE,
    frames_per_buffer = self.PERIOD_SIZE_IN_FRAME,
    input_device_index = self.INPUT_DEVICE_INDEX,
    input = True)
  • After this run the Python script with sudo.
  • There should be no more error.