• Draft for latest part of State Of The Art.
    • Conclusion of State Of The Art.
    • I define sensor as an electronics module to measure things from physical world into computer fathomable informations. Based from these implementations, I see there are two classifications of sensors. There are one dimensional sensor like photo resistor that at most can only measure the incoming light intensity. On the other spectrum, there are multi - modal sensors. Multi - modal sensor is a kind of sensor that can carry multiple measurements. Examples of multi - modal sensors are things like microphone and video camera....
    • ..., for instances the usage of computer vision framework like OpenCV for color and face detection and PyAudio to extract parameters from incoming audio stream.
    • However, this means that the hardware need to have fast enough processing power and plenty of volatile memories.
    • However, it receives....
    • From all devices listed in XXX table, I suggest...
  • And then, finally, ....nally, ....