• What does using namespace means?
    • I found the answer in this link, http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/49748/.
    • Usually using namespace is used for using namespace std;. std is the standard library for C++. std has the basic operation like cout, cin, ....
    • However, if we are using multiple libraries there could be multiple functions with same name.
    • Let say library std and dummy, each, has a function called dummy_function(). Without using namespace std; means there are two definitions of dummy_function(). Usually without using namespace std the proper function call will be std::dummy_function() or dummy::dummy_function().
    • using namespace std; means to always use function from std library if there are duplicate names. This means with only writing dummy_function() the compiler will always take dummy_function() from std instead of dummy.
  • Below is the screenshot from the discussion about using namespace std; means.



  • What does return 0; means?
    • The 0 refer to the error value.
    • The int in int main() is because in the main runtime C++ codes return an integer or error codes.
    • This is very useful when executing multiple commands in terminal.
  • What is the different between /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib?
    • /usr/lib is used for library installed by operating system.
    • /usr/local/lib is used for library compiled and then installed by operating system.
  • Every class declaration in C++ followed with semi - colon.
  • What is namespace?
  • There were often mistakes, I wrote this codes g++ -o -v output_file main.cpp. Whereas the correct compilation codes is like this, g++ -o output_file -v main.cpp.
    • Make sure to put appropriate arguments for each parameters! In this case -o should always be followed with the name of the output file.
  • There is this term called "function prototype". After searching, it is actually a normal function but without the content. Prototype function only mentions what are the inputs and what is the output.
  • In C/C++ usually semicolon ";" is put in the end of the function declaration.
  • Access specifiers are a notion on the accessibilities of a function or variable. The most common access specifiers are public, private, and protected.
    • Public functions or variables can be accessed from anywhere within the same program.
    • Private functions or variables can be accessed within same class or a friend functions.
  • What is friend function? Friend function is a function that can access property of other private function. There are two kinds of friend function.
    • Globally defined friend function.
    • Bidirectional friend function.
  • I have a question about why inheritance is always followed by public statement. This is the example.
class foo;
class bar:public foo;



  • Basically private variable in parent cannot be inherited unless it is a friend function or variable.
  • For publicly inherited class the public and protected function and variable are keep into their respective access specifier in the sub - class.
  • For private inherited class the public and protected function and variable are converted into private in the sub - class.
  • For protected inherited class the public and protected function and variable are converted into protected in the sub - class.
  • This is the screenshot of the article.



  • Function prototype is like a strict blueprint that need to be followed. Here is an example of function prototype.
void test_prototype_function(int _i);
  • The strict is to ensure that when the function is created it needs to follow that the specification provided from the function's blueprint.
  • Usually blueprints is placed in a header file.
  • So, header file .h is used to provide blueprints while the .cpp is used to provide definitions and implementations part.
  • I was wondering what part of codes should be in header file and which part of codes should be in the .cpp file. I found this .pdf with quite explanations.


  • Some that I understand from the .pdf.
    • In header file there need to be a safety guard. Examples of safety guards are #pragma once and #ifndef followed with #define, the content of the library, and then #endif.
    • The declarations! Everything that has value and take space in runtime or static does not belong to the header file.
    • Set up global variable that can be used for the entire program to be declared with, for example, extern int sample_integer. Then later in the .cpp file define that variable with, for example, int sample_integer = 0;. I think extern is only for C and not C++ in particular.
    • Every .h file should include every other library dependencies.
    • There is this example about using struct. Basically if I need to create incomplete/forward declaration. Then keep declare the same struct later as a normal variable. The thing here is to have incomplete/forward declaration first before use it later in the same header .h file.
  • Based from a discussion here, https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/167723/what-should-and-what-shouldnt-be-in-a-header-file. Every statements that generates data and code as they parsed does not belong in the header (.h) file.



  • protected access specifier is a little bit weird because it prevent the class itself to access the protected functions or variables. However, protected allows the functions or variables to be accessed in the children/inherited classes.
  • Reference for protected class, is in this link, https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/e761de5s.aspx.
  • In my own example, protected class is like when I have a class named human and it inherits into arm, body, head, leg, .... The body has a protected function called reduce_hit_point() but can only be accessed from the children classes. Hence, this way there is no way the HP (hit point) reduced from the human class but the children classes.
  • virtual is a member function that let the children classes to override/polymorph a function (or variables).
  • If virtual is not used the function is not polymorphed despite there is a same name function in the child class (the original function from parent is the one who still be called).
  • Here is a documentation about virtual, https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/0y01k918.aspx.
  • When to use float and when to use double?
    • In many cases C++ developer would use double over float.
    • float only be used when dealing with a thousands of float values without concern on accuracy.
  • A discussion here, https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/188721/when-do-you-use-float-and-when-do-you-use-double, mentioned that "If you have an input of 100,000 numbers from a file or a stream and need to sort them, put the numbers in a float[]."
  • Here is the screenshot of the discussion.



  • Here is an example of selective friend using Attorney - Client relationship.
class problem {
    friend class attorney;
    void hello_1();
    void hello_2();
    void hello_3();
    int i;

class attorney {
    friend class client_2;
    static void hello_1 (problem& _p){ _p.hello_1(); }
    static void hello_2 (problem& _p){ _p.hello_2(); }

class client_1 {
    problem p;
    attorney::hello_1(p); // Error.
    attorney::hello_2(p); // Error.
class client_2 {
    problem p;





  • In the nutshell.
    • public means the everything program - wide can access the function or the variable.
    • private means only the class object can access the function or the variable.
    • protected means only the children or friend class can access the function or the variable (the class object itself cannot access protected variable).
  • Here is a tutorial on how to install QT Studio in Ubuntu, https://wiki.qt.io/Install_Qt_5_on_Ubuntu.
  • Here is the screenshot of the tutorial.



  • There is no difference on friend declaration, as long it is clearly stated which class friend to which class.
  • There is global friend function/variable and then there is local friend function/variable as well.
  • Here is an example to declare the whole class as a friend function.
friend class friend_class;
  • Here is an example of global friend function.
friend void print_width (box _b);
  • Here are my example codes for friend function/variable.
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// Prototype. Usually in box.h.
class box {
    double width;
    friend void print_width (box _b);
    void set_width (double _w);

// Function definition usually in box.cpp.
void box::set_width (double _w) {
    /* `width` can be accessed because this function accessed after `box`
    object */
    width = _w;

// "Global" function accessing `box` due to `friend` function.
void print_width (box _b) {
    // This function can access private variable of `box`.
    cout << "width: " << _b.width << endl;

// Main function for the program.
int main () {
    box b;
    // Set box width with member function.
    // Use friend function to print the width.

    return 0;
  • Use typedef to create an alias of type data or to group type data together.
  • There is template as well but I am not sure what is the use of it.
  • Some documentations about typedef and template can be followed in here, http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/typedef and here http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/type_alias.
  • static function and variable is used if you want to have class - wide global function and variable. So all class with the same name or children can access the "global" function/variable that is that static function/variable.
  • I can just declare a global variable without a class encapsulate it.