• Here is some links I have those are related to HaXe.
  • There was this problem specifically for HaXeUI.
  • I made a list selector. List selector is basically just a drop down list in any other user interface frameworks.
  • In HaXeUI I can return the currently selected list.
  • For example in this image (although this is Windows native and not from HaXeUI).


  • The selected item is "Primary".
  • And "Primary" is the first item in the list selector, hence its index value is 0.
  • In HaXeUI I can use selectedIndex to return 0 (as it is the index of the current selected item, "Primary").
  • However, from this GitHub issue I issued I want to ask if there is anyway on how to get the string name instead of the index.
  • What I want is a properties, perhaps, called as selectedItem that returns "Primary" instead of its index.
  • Here is the link to the GitHub issue I mentioned, https://github.com/ianharrigan/haxeui/issues/336.
  • In HaXeUI you can use a markup language like XML to make the view of your application.
  • Here is the solution that Ian Harrigan (the creator of HaXeUI) proposed to me.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        function onChange1() { 
            log.text = myList1.text + ", ";
            log.text += myList1.selectedIndex + ", ";
            log.text += myList1.selectedItems[0].data.text + ", ";

        function onChange2() { 
            log.text = myList2.text + ", ";
            log.text += myList2.selectedIndex + ", ";
            log.text += myList2.selectedItems[0].data.text + ", ";
            // this will work for json data, will be null otherwise
            log.text += myList2.selectedItems[0].data.something;

        <listselector id="myList1" text="Select" width="100" onchange="onChange1()">
        <listselector id="myList2" text="Select" width="100" onchange="onChange2()">
                    {"text": "Hello", "something": "else1"},
                    {"text": "World", "something": "else2"}
    <textinput width="200" height="100" id="log" multiline="true" />
  • I will explain this solution as a brief as possible, the log.text here will return the myList1.selectedItems[0].data.text which contains the name of the selected index in the selector list. So, with my example the log.text will return 0, Primary.
  • However, since I only need the name of the selected index and not the index itself, I will just use xxx.selectedItem[0].data.text where the xxx is the variable that holds the list selector object reference.
  • Another good thing to mention is that the function onChange1() and onChange2() will be put inside a list selector as a onchange property.
  • This onchange property is a function that is called every time there is change in list selector value.
  • So, whenever the user change the list selector there will be something printed in the console.
  • Here is the full screenshot of the issue in the GitHub.


  • In HaXe there is a low level access control.
  • Low level access control is used to access variables and functions (I think) from another class without explicitly creating or referencing the existing object in the run - time.
  • The keyword here is @:access(ClassName.ClassFunctionName) and @:allow(ClassName.ClassFunctionName).
  • In later version of HaXe if either of these keywords referencing an Interface then every low level access control also applied into any possible class that inherit/implements from that Interface.
  • Here is the link to HaXe API documentation of low level access control, http://haxe.org/manual/lf-access-control.html.