So, in the end this is what I need to do for installing WebDAV TagSpaces. Starting from creating the Droplet until using the TagSpaces itself. Follow this tutorial in order (I have this offline as well)., initial SSH tutorial and then install Ubuntu 16.04. This will create "connection" between the DigitalOcean droplet and my personal computer. This is like creating specific for you to specific room., after setting up SSH connection and installing Ubuntu 16.04 the next part will be to setup server environment for Ubuntu 16.04., after initial server setup then the system needs to be installed with LAMP (Linux, Apache2, MySQL, PHP) stack. After installing LAMP stack into the system. I need to install these package so that the system works seamlessly with DigitalOcean environment. Although I did not install these packages and my TagSpaces installation works. Nevertheless, installing these packages would cause no harm, so I suggest to install these packages anyway.

sudo apt-get install php-bz2 php-curl php-gd php-imagick php-intl php-mbstring php-xml php-zip
cd /var/www/html/
sudo chmod -R 755 tagspaces
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data tagspaces
  • At this point TagSpaces should have working. Access it at https://ip_address_here/tagspaces/.
  • Put everything that you want to access from TagSpaces in OwnCloud. Use the web interface of OwnCloud to upload files and folders.
  • Those files and folders then can be accessed from TagSpaces by this URL, /owncloud/remote.php/webdav/.
  • This URL /owncloud/remote.php/webdav/ will refer to the root directory of OwnCloud.
  • Here are some limitations of WebDAV TagSpaces.
    • The WebDAV based TagSpaces is not capable of displaying .md (MarkDown) files.
    • The WebDAV based TagSpaces is also not capable of displaying relative image from .md (MarkDown) files. The ![./path/to/image.png](./path/to/image.png) will not be displayed.
    • In my case I have "+" in my folders name. Having symbol in folder name make the folder cannot be opened and will return this error, The desired path could not be opened..