
  • Check Mathew Laibowitz he is an awesome person.


  • Spinner is used to gather data from wearable and/or environmental sensors.


  • Spinner is a set of sensors network.


  • Spinner is a collection of wearable sensors, environment sensors, as well as video.
  • These will be used to record and identify specific actions.
  • Another cool thing to mention is that every sensors comes into Spinner with each of its meta data to easy cataloging and processing.
    • This is similar to what I want to implement in my mEsch Project.


  • Alright, so as whole, this technology is trying to incorporate all possible events happens along someone's life into one coherent story.



  • So in more "easy to digest" term, Spinner is used to journal someone life using a set of ubiquitous sensors.
  • Here is the screenshot to the article.



  • There is this video, a promotional video about Spinner. But, honestly, I still do not understand what is the main goal of Spinner as well as why Reyna could/should put the videos into the web sharing platform.